The company KRKONOŠSKÉ OBÁLKY received its new name in connection with the change of ownership in 2012, when it was renamed from KRPA ENVELOPE, a.s., which was one of the successors of KRKONOSKÉ PAPÍRNY a.s. At the same time, its legal form was changed to a limited liability company. From this year, the production of postal envelopes was completely relocated from Hostinné to nearby Svoboda nad Úpou.
The tradition of producing and processing paper in our region falls into the 19th century and is known in our industry under the name KRPA.
The first references of the paper manufacturing in Hostinné area comes from 16th century. The Hostinné became the centre of the paper processing in 1835. Brothers Gustav and Vilém Kiesling founded for that time highly modern and industrial paper mill in place called Labský mlýn. Afterwards Gustav Roeder and Julius Eichmann started pulp and paper production. From the very beginning, the production was oriented on special types of paper where the Eichmann a spol. Company achieved national and international awards.
In 1945, the state enterprise Krkonošské papírny was created by the nationalizing decrees and its headquarters was in Hostinné. The base of the new company was the Eichmann a spol. Company and afterwards other smaller companies from the neighbourhood were affiliated. As a consequence of the rapidly advancing ecological problems of the higher Labe river, the pulp production has been stopped in 1984. In 1986, the plant for producing carbonless copy paper has been put into operation. Joint-stock company Krkonošské papírny, a.s. was founded on the 1st of May 1992 by the privatization of the state enterprise Krkonošské papírny.
Úpská 481
542 24 Svoboda nad Úpou
obalky@ krkonosskeobalky. com
+420 499 300 417
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